Thursday, May 31, 2007


John has been bugging me about posting something new and wondered if I had a life outside of Luke :\ Sometimes I wonder the same thing. This is kind of about Luke but more about the idiots who run our country and province in this case.
Yesterday Robyn had an appointment with an investigator from Welfare. They don't call themselves that anymore because the name is too derogatory so they are now called Income Assistance. What a load of crap! They give Robyn $945. a month to support her and Luke. (sorry Robyn to let everyone know what you get but I have to to get my point across) She also receives $360. from Child Tax Benefit. So in total she gets about $1300.00 Her rent is $770. She has a two bedroom but it has a washer and dryer in the suite so she doesn't have to spend money on Laundry so we thought that all things considered it wasn't a bad deal because that would cost her about $40 a month. She has to have a phone because her security door works through her phone. That's $50 for a basic phone. Her hydro is about $60 a month, car insurance is $110 a month, internet is $55 (she got her cable cut off because it was too expensive) Her cell phone is $60 at least. (Rogers are a rip off but she's on a plan and can't cancel)
So these guys do the math and find out that they are not paying Robyn enough to live on and so they haul her in to talk. I go with her. We are told that I cannot as her mother, help my child out. She is living way beyond her means and has luxuries that you are not allowed on Wefare. Oh sorry..."Assistance". She does not need a car. I told the woman that we lived over 1/2 and hour away and for us to come in and pick her up and take her grocery shopping, to appointments and all of that would cost us way more than to just pay for her insurance. Sorry.. wrong answer. She can't have a car. She also can't have internet and she is allowed $570 for rent which has to include utilities even your phone so technically to live within their budget, she has to find a place to live for $400. I asked her where on this entire island can you find a place to live for that much. She just smiled and said she had clients that live within their budget but their address often says Haliburton or Harewood and they are not two bedroom. They are bachelor or one bedroom. She's not allowed her own room. That is also a luxury I'm told. I told her I would rather pay for my daughter not to have to live down there because it is not safe. She is a single mom with a baby for crying out loud. I had friends that lived there and they were scared to come home at night and all they listened to all night long was screaming and fighting and sirens. Now I have to send my daughter and grandchild to live there. She asked me if I was expecting this money back and I was honest and said 'no, it is a gift'. Sorry wrong again. The correct answer is yes. I am not allowed to gift my child money every month. Only the odd time but if it's on going then it is declared as 'unearned income'. Well are you not after all called income assistance? NO! They are deducting dollar for dollar all of it off of her next check. They are nice enough to let her pay off the other 3 months but last month whatever I gave her is all coming off next check. So now next month she is getting about $500. I asked her how she expected Robyn to live on that even if she did move. That leaves nothing to live on and won't even pay her rent. It will be very obvious once again that someone must have helped her. Then they'll haul her in there again to find out how she survived on $500 because they know it's impossible. All she said to me was that I had some hard things to go home and think about.
But get this. Here's the real kicker. Eddie who is native also gets $900 a month from the same government. That is not to pay rent or bills or food or any costs especially that of a child. No, that is just for the poor boy to have some spending money for the month because he goes to college which is really stressful and all. So they pay for his ENTIRE tuition. And it's not a student loan. How would he ever pay that back? That would just cause more stress. So they just pay for it all and give him $900 a month just to spend and just because he's native. Now this is not a rant about natives (I'll save that for another time) but this just burns my butt. And they'll help him stay living on the north end because you can't put the likes of him down in the south end. It may not be safe. Heck he's a big enough and he's a guy and he'd fit right in down there! No lets instead send a single mom with a baby to live down there but don't give her a cell phone or a car. Those are luxuries. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I am just so mad.
Now if Robyn was an unfit mother, they would take Luke away from her and pay some other person over $1000 a month to look after him, and give this person all the help and support they needed. But they won't give it to Robyn. This is not a rant against foster parents....Margaret. (I'll also save that for another time :\)
I asked the lady how I was to watch my daughter live like this and she had no answer other than 'assistance is there to help people who are down and out and if we make it too comfortable they will stay on assistance. I understand that but to allow $400-$500 for rent???? You can't rent anywhere for that. She agreed but said if they paid the going rate, then they would have to be paying people in Vancouver $1000 a month for rent and that is just not right. So people cheat the system and they wonder why. People start selling drugs and they wonder why. Jails are filled with 80% reoffenders and they wonder why. They spend more money on those guys per month too. Also another rant I'll save for another time.
So Robyn is giving her notice today. She has to give her car back cut off her internet, move to a small bachelor pad or at best a one bedroom so now she'll be at least 45 minutes away, and I am not allowed to help her out anymore unless I get way better at figuring out how to cheat the system. I am just so angry and last night at our home group we talked about what it looks like to be angry and not sin. Right now I'm not sure I know what that looks like. Any help would be greatly appreciated and any prayers you want to send up our way would be great.


Blogger Margaret said...

There is no way that this kind screwed up way of thinking makes sense to anyone, but a social "assistance" investigator. I will pray for Robyn to find a place that is going to be acceptable in rent and also in location. If Robyn was under 19 this same government would pay someone like me $2300/month to take care of her and Luke. Shameful.

6:32 AM  
Blogger footsack said...

Yes it is. Thanks for the prayers and she's moving in with you at the end of the month, just so you know.

7:00 AM  
Blogger Becky said...

I hate the government. I really think I need to get that whole plan to run the country as Supreme Dictator in motion. To me... They should pay what they pay and if a family member is willing to gift a person with a few luxuries or supplement their income they should be fine/happy with that. What's the difference? Really. What difference does it make to the government if they pay her $900.00 and she lives in a slum, or they pay her $900.00 and her family helps her live in a nice safe home? They still pay $900.00. Makes me mad.

10:12 AM  
Blogger Toad said...

ug. this is so frustrating to here. its hard to find a place here that cheep. i'm sorry for your stress. i hope she can find a safe place to live!

12:17 PM  
Blogger footsack said...

She also lost 2nd and 4th gear in her car yesterday. Her words...'this is a shitty day and I wish I liked alcohol because I would get drunk'.
Oh well, she wasn't allowed a car anyway.

2:46 PM  
Blogger John said...

Thanks for the post Mitz. I gave everybody who had not posted in a Month a shot. And every shot was meant in good fun. When I read your posts, and think about them after with closed eyes I can almost hear your voice.
Why is it that the ones who are honest in this world are the ones who get pushed aside by the "system". It is so unfair. If you had lied to them about some of the things you do for her, she would be okay for next month. We will all pray that you find a safe place for her to rent for 500 a month and I am sure somewhere God will turn up something. I don't blame you for being angry, I think I may have been a lot worse at that interview than you were.

4:37 AM  
Blogger Cindi said...

It's too bad you can't rent her a suite in your house or some one else's house. Then you could charge her what they say is and affordable rent and you would still know that she's safe. Would it work if she moved in with a roommate and split the rent and phone? Or do they have rules against that too?

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey auntie mitz, i feel your frustration. frickin government. idiots. i think you should print this all out in a letter and send it to someone at the top. this is stupid. we need a friend in the government. and you need to learn to lie a little better!! haha. my buddy works all summer for the sask wheat pool, then gets laid off in the winter and works under the table for his stepdad and makes so much cash it's not even funny. you say that when she survives they are going to say "how can she survive on this little money, someone must be helping her!" WELL WHAT THE HECK IS SHE SUPPOSED TO DO??? DIE??? ridiculous. tell her not to pay the rent for a few months, then they will ask her how she's surviving and she can tell them she's not. i am not impressed. i would like to call them up and give them a peice of my mind. but i think you should because you are better at collecting your thoughts. just this time lie a little more :D

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is the dumbest crap i ever heard, i don't even know where to begin... stupid idiots

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have an ombudsman in your province? You may need to talk to them.

In the meantime you may have to do what literally thousands of parents and grandparents are doing across this country. You may have to move her back home and fully support her, and get her totally off the system. It means a commitment of at least 5 years to help her get on her feet and totally self-supporting. It may take many more years than that.
Many of my friends now look after their grandchildren rather than having them go to daycare. That's a commitment of up to at least 12 years.

It's not fair, to have welfare do this to her. It's totally unjust.

I'm praying that God will supply the perfect answer for all of you.


11:32 AM  
Blogger footsack said...

Thanks for all your comments. Becky I would vote for you in a heartbeat. I may even be your champaigne manager. I would promote the heck out of you.
John you are right. The honest ones get the shaft and the rules are actually made for the dishonest ones. The law penalizes you for being honest so it really makes you wonder why we bother. I could have lied and told the lady it was a loan and she had to pay every dime back. But I said it was a gift and then I find out that was the wrong answer.
Cindi, yes she can move in with a room mate but her two friends that were moving out just got a place together and it's hard because none of her friends have kids so it's just really hard to find someone. She can't move in with us unless we get a place together with her name on the lease and then it has to have a seperate suite where she would be living otherwise they might give her money for groceries and then not buy any because we are. If she just moves in with us they cut her off completely. The lady told me that they do not want anyone to not suffer. Other wise they might take advantage of the system. That is crap. If you don't give them enough to survive, they learn how to lie a bit better. I think I may need to take some lessons.

5:44 PM  
Blogger footsack said...

Champaigne?? You know what I mean. I must have something else on my mind. Come to think of it, I do need a drink.

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone who is praying for me and my family. i greatly appreciate it. I also dont like the government and the way that they are handling the situation, but i also know someone who is above the government and no matter what they do to me and how little they give me, i serve a god who money means nothing to. And so i am really trying to have that same attitude as well.
I know without a shadow of doubt in my mind that god isnt up there thinking "That stupid welfare, what am i going to do now with this girl and her child?"
i serve a god who doesnt have limits and i am very excited to see how he will bless me this time.
But prayers are always appreciated:p
i love you all so much! thanks guys:)

5:52 PM  
Blogger Cindi said...

Robyn you're awesome. I just read what you wrote, and got goosebumps all over. Even on my toes and I didn't think that was possible. We do serve a big God and he will watch over you and protect you wherever you end up living. They say his eye is on the sparrow,, but I'm positive he watches over his Robyn too.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

I tis so easy to get mad at this and want to become some kind of rebal against welfare. I was thinking along the same lines as everybody else and then I read Robyn's comment. It's like what she said just deflated a ig hot air balloon that was blocking God from our view. Thanks Robyn. God is going to bless your faithfulness and your trust in him. I need to have that kind of attitude with everything that is going on in my life right now.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robyn, I love your attitude.
This opens the door wide for a miracle.
I am now excitedly waiting for that good report of how God has provided for you.
I will continue to pray.

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to all who are praying for me. i have a place to live. actually in the same apartments, just in a different place:D:D
I am so blessed. I am so in awe of God right now. I knew that i was going to find a place to live but i had no idea that i would be staying in the place that i love so much.
I am truly thankful for all your prayers:) i love you all so much!:)
I know that god has a plan for my life and i am very excited to see what that plan is and how he will use me and my life:)I know that wherever i go i will be ok even if i had to move to the south end of town(thats the "bad" part of town)which thankfully i dont.
i will be praying for all of you:)

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is how they screwed me over!!!
I hate those bastards, HATE THEM!!!

My prayers are with Robyn, and I hope things will work out!


1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww ... glad to hear you found a place ... I guess I was a little late .. oopsies :-(

1:35 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

WOW that was quick! Of Course it was. That is just how awesome our God is when we have tha faith to believe.

A verse for you. Jeremiah 29:11

I am so proud of you Robyn!!!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

I am glad to her that you found a place, and are able to stay in the same building, and not be in downtown Nanaimo. God Bless you Robyn.

9:25 AM  
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